Our Approach
When outdoors, children have an immediate multi-sensory response of attunement to the web of relations who animate the particular place that they are experiencing. For children, the various presences in wild places--animals, insects, trees, plants, rocks, wind, sky are alive with personality and agency. In Place supports children to maintain their inherent knowing and belonging as co-creative participants in our living world.
Our work with children is to help nurture and sustain their sense of participation and belonging. We do this through various kinds of playful, interactive, and creative activities and explorations, including art-making, bodily felt presencing, nature explorations, and collaborative and community relations.
In our work with adults, the activities and explorations are very similar and often the same. However, what children inherently sense/know, many adults have forgotten. We support adults in reawakening and recovering their immediate and felt sense of participation and belonging in our living world. Again, attention is given to the intimacy of relations in the particular places in which our programs take place. We do this through art, mindfulness, nature explorations, and collaborative and community relations.
For all ages, our programs focus on developing the capacities of a felt multi-sensory perception, which signals attunement to the living web's presence. This foundational sense perception establishes the ground from which practical knowing of how to live well and wisely emerges. What this looks like in one’s lifestyle, lifework and in world-making are the central questions of our educational work.